What We Do

We grow and sell farm fresh food, offer farm to table events, and professional and family retreats for our island community and visitors near and far who want to understand, experience and celebrate our region and the food we produce.

Our People

Tadao Mitsui

Owner & Executive Chef

While growing up on the island I always valued the closeness of the community to local farms.

Having spent most of my cooking life in traditional kitchen settings, coming to work on the farm is a breath of fresh air. As a child I would ask my father for a snack and funny enough I would ask for salad. Now that I have four young children the importance of educating them about the connection of farms to the community is apparent. My children love to eat produce and berries right from the plant like I once did and now I am fortunate to be part of a uniquely beautiful farm to have them learn and grow on.
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Tifanie Mitsui

Tifanie Mitsui

Owner & Farm House Beverage Director

I’m an Islander for life. My family moved from Seattle to Bainbridge when I was 5.

When I was 14 a family friend offered me a summer job at their cheese company, which began my work in the food industry. Through island hopping and traveling around the world, I’ve developed a love for good food and wine. I keep coming back to food and service amid all of the other passions I’ve pursued.  I love being the Beverage Director on the farm, in this picturesque setting. Heyday’s sense of farm-to-table hits home for me. I love simple, clean, local food, and love to share it with my 4 children. It’s amazing to get out in the garden and see the whole circle, seed to plant to compost back to soil.
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Shari Stoddard

Shari Stoddard

General Manager

As a native Bainbridge Islander I have had the good fortune of enjoying the Island’s bounty as far back as I can remember.

As a young girl my best friend and I would get dropped off at the strawberry fields, pick and eat ripe berries all day, then go home and turn them into delicious strawberry shortcakes to sell right outside our front door. When I became a mother, my daughters would pick buckets of berries from our driveway to bake into our famous “driveway” pie, a favorite that is still requested when hosting friends and family. I’m so happy to be a part of a farm that has been restored to its former glory. I thoroughly enjoy the role of host and getting to share this special place and delicious food with our guests. See you on the farm…
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Our Wonderful Farm Staff

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”

-Helen Keller


Chase Morgan, Rachael Donham

Back of the House:

Abby Zurline, Chico Joice, Corbin McPhail, Dominic Rerecich, Josie Hill, Mitchell Heidemann

Front of the House:

Hannah Blankenship, Jadyn Valesquez


Join our Team

On the Farm

Heyday Farm was founded in 2011, restoring over 6 acres of historic farmland that had been slated for development. In a unique partnership between farmer and landowner and many local and regional contractors, the turn of the century Pederson farmhouse was painstakingly restored and expertly updated harkening back to an era on the Island when farms were “in their heyday.” In 2013, we were honored for this effort by the Bainbridge Island Historic Preservation Commission with a Blakely Award for outstanding historic preservation efforts on the Island.

In the News

Fall 2023 Issue – Tideland Magazine

Be Our Guest

by, David Albright

Read Full Article here >

September 16, 2022 –  PBS Crosscut

Made There: Heyday Farm

Produced by, Sarah E. Hall

Watch the full video here >

August 5, 2022 – The Washington Post

Ferry Tales in the Pacific Northwest

by, Liza Weisstuch

Read full article here >

December 12, 2017 – Westsound Home and Garden

Heyday Farm Brings Sustainable Food to the People

by Tess Bolosan Haddon and Darren Strenge

Read full article here >

July 21, 2017 – Kitsap Sun

A Once a Week Treat on Bainbridge Island

by Terri Gleich

Read full article here >

August 1, 2015 – Seattle Magazine

11 Perfect Weekend Getaways Near Seattle

by Nicole Meoli Myles

Read full article here >

VIDEO by Tally Black-Brown.